Had a nice weekend. Friday I had a few places to look at as I started my apartment hunt. Basically I know that most places are looking to start leases in August, so I'm a little early, but I decided to go ahead and start checking out some places so that I can get feel for what's out there and for what price ranges and such. I'll probably be keeping a separate page with my current apt hunt findings, but let's just say that over the weekend I looked at maybe 8-10 places and I'm getting a good feeling that I'll be able to find the place that I want for a price that I want in a location that I want. If I had to pick a place right now, I probably could and wouldn't be unhappy with my choice at all.

Friday night I met up with my DT friend Patrick in Washington Square Park, who happened to be in town this weekend. We dropped off his crap at my place and then went to eat at Soba-ya, a Japanese noodle joint I've been wanting to try out that makes their own noodles. We had to wait a while, but eventually got seated and I had a pretty good sea eel tempura udon. When we exited the restaurant it had started to rain so I finally got to use the umbrella that I'd purchased.

We met up with James on the corner of 3rd ave and 9th st and walked back to my place to get out of the rain and chill for a bit. Then I walked them to their respective subway stations and came back to sleep.
Saturday I looked at a bunch of places. 2 in the East Village, 1 in Chelsea (probably my number one choice right now), and 1 in Gramercy. For lunch I went to Papaya Dog and had a pretty decent cheesesteak. Dinner I went to Otafuku, a little hole-in-the-wall that makes authentic Japanese fair-food, including okonomiyaki and takoyaki! So I got a combo deal with some shrimp okonomiyaki and takoyaki! Yum. A bit pricy, but oh so worth it. Came back to my place and wrote up a
review for Thirst.

Then I met some new friends at Von, a bar on Bleecker St not too far from my apartment. Basically, an old friend of my sister's has been living in NY for a while now, so she's been giving me some tips on living in NY and Saturday night I met up with her and some of her friends for some drinks at a pretty chill bar. After drinking and attempting to converse in the loud music, we got the munchies and walked towards St Mark's place and a place called Crif Dogs. I know this is going to sound disgusting, but it's basically a place where they deep fry the hot dogs. Oh so good. Oh so bad for you. Anyway, after chilling out there for a while, I got back to my sublet around 3 or so and slept pretty well.
Sunday I saw even more places! 3 in Chelsea, 1 in the East Village. I also went up to Times Square to try and see the
Break Out in Song Week performance, but I missed it by 15 minutes. Upon recommendation by one friend, I checked out the Biryani cart to get some Kati rolls. Delicious. Apparently I'd already hit up this cart in the past trip up here looking for some cheap eats around Times Square, but it's still good. Then I just went to Central Park to relax for a little while before heading back into Times Square to do a friend a favor.

Basically my friend Lauren had sent a playbill up to the cast of In the Heights to be signed by one guy (Eliseo Roman, the Piragua Guy) that she had somehow missed. Unfortunately, he couldn't ever find the time to actually stick the self-addressed stamped envelope she'd also sent back in the mail so it'd been sitting in his dressing room for the past three months or so. So I went to the stage door after the matinee performance to try and find him and get it from him. In the process, I saw Mandy Gonzalez again, which was pretty cool (she plays Nina in the show). Anyway, I met Eliseo and was able to get the playbill and stuck it in the mailbox for Lauren.

Along the way on Broadway there was apparently some sort of market going on. Interesting. Anyway, I walked all the way back down to the East Village (breaking out into a run at some points to make my appointment in time) to see an apartment. Then took the L westward to Chelsea to see two more places. Then I grabbed a quick bite to eat at a local Chelsea diner, grabbed a few things at the market on the way home, then came back to rest once and for all...