Sublet? More like Subgetted... Subgotten? Whatever
Today I was finally able to sleep in some! Woke up at like 10am! Oh, precious, precious sleep. Got my stuff ready and I was out the door by noon to head to the city for lunch and sublet searching and such. My buddy James' apt is a bit far from the subway, but I made it to lunch at Ajisen Ramen shop in Chinatown by like 1pm.
After lunch I decided to wander around checking out some of the boros I was considering living in. Walked up to the East Village and by one of the places I'm considering for a long-term lease over on 10th st. Along the way I actually passed the Life Cafe as featured in Rent.

I was originally told that I could see one of the sublets at 2-5pm, but the guy never got back to me regarding where the place actually was or what time he actually wanted me to come so I wandered uptown until I got to where the second sublet I was looking at was (by NYU Medical Center). I chilled out a bit there looking up other sublets and actually contacted a guy who was more conveniently located down by Washington Square Park on 3rd St, but he was actually on his way out, so I wouldn't be able to see his place until 6pm or so. Anyway, I called up the subletter by NYU Medical Center and told him I was there early and he went ahead and showed me the place.
Note to future subletters. If you're showing your place to people, you should probably try to clean up and make it look presentable. The kitchen was gross, the bathroom looked like it hadn't been cleaned in a good while and the apt itself was converted to a 2br (though the next roommate wasn't going to be there until early August), which he hadn't mentioned in the ad. When asked if he had any qualms about the place, he then told me that twice a day, a helicopter flies by his window and makes a general ruckus. Pretty view though. Anyway, the place was pretty bad and since it's student housing I'm pretty sure he shouldn't have been subletting anyway. Plus utilities weren't included, so it was even more expensive.
After that I walked down to Union Square (beautiful day) and chilled out there, again looking up more sublets. Well, I found one guy who was trying to sublet, but for a longer term, but his location would have been beautiful for my commute (literally the same block to the L train), so I decided to check it out. He's on the 6th floor of a walkup, but the apt was actually really nice. An alcove studio; decently sized (not huge, but not tiny either). Everything looked clean and it even came partially furnished. Unfortunately, his time scale didn't quite match up with mine and there are a lot of other people checking it out (two girls came up just during my visit) so I probably won't get it, but that's ok, I've got some time to look for a long-term lease.
After that, I walked to Washington Square Park, which is pretty nice and right by the 3rd street sublet. Called the guy up and he just got in from his dentist appt so he was able to let me in (after I got a quick gyro from a vendor for only $3!) and I checked it out. Location's decent (right next to the F/V trains and only a little ways from the N/W trains). Maybe 10 blocks from the L train or I can take one of the closer trains up there. The apt itself is pretty big, relatively clean, though a little unusual for me... The shower is next to the kitchen sink... The bathroom is in the little bedroom alcove, which he doesn't use as a bedroom really (he sleeps in the "living room" section). Anyway, I thought it fit my needs and it was decently cheap and included all utilities so I decided to go for it. Traded some stuff with him and already have a set of keys, though I don't move in until the 14th (Tuesday).
That took a little longer than I was expecting, but I was able to rush uptown to get to the Core Club Screening Room for the movie screening I was supposed to see (Humpday). Pretty swanky... Basically a bunch of stadium-seated couches in front of a nice screen with a pretty good sound system (though smaller than a typical theatre). They even gave free glasses of water, candy, and popcorn. Movie was pretty good; gave it a B+. Then I ran back down to the sublet, exchanged more paperwork, and headed back for the long journey back to James' apt.
After lunch I decided to wander around checking out some of the boros I was considering living in. Walked up to the East Village and by one of the places I'm considering for a long-term lease over on 10th st. Along the way I actually passed the Life Cafe as featured in Rent.

I was originally told that I could see one of the sublets at 2-5pm, but the guy never got back to me regarding where the place actually was or what time he actually wanted me to come so I wandered uptown until I got to where the second sublet I was looking at was (by NYU Medical Center). I chilled out a bit there looking up other sublets and actually contacted a guy who was more conveniently located down by Washington Square Park on 3rd St, but he was actually on his way out, so I wouldn't be able to see his place until 6pm or so. Anyway, I called up the subletter by NYU Medical Center and told him I was there early and he went ahead and showed me the place.
Note to future subletters. If you're showing your place to people, you should probably try to clean up and make it look presentable. The kitchen was gross, the bathroom looked like it hadn't been cleaned in a good while and the apt itself was converted to a 2br (though the next roommate wasn't going to be there until early August), which he hadn't mentioned in the ad. When asked if he had any qualms about the place, he then told me that twice a day, a helicopter flies by his window and makes a general ruckus. Pretty view though. Anyway, the place was pretty bad and since it's student housing I'm pretty sure he shouldn't have been subletting anyway. Plus utilities weren't included, so it was even more expensive.
After that I walked down to Union Square (beautiful day) and chilled out there, again looking up more sublets. Well, I found one guy who was trying to sublet, but for a longer term, but his location would have been beautiful for my commute (literally the same block to the L train), so I decided to check it out. He's on the 6th floor of a walkup, but the apt was actually really nice. An alcove studio; decently sized (not huge, but not tiny either). Everything looked clean and it even came partially furnished. Unfortunately, his time scale didn't quite match up with mine and there are a lot of other people checking it out (two girls came up just during my visit) so I probably won't get it, but that's ok, I've got some time to look for a long-term lease.
After that, I walked to Washington Square Park, which is pretty nice and right by the 3rd street sublet. Called the guy up and he just got in from his dentist appt so he was able to let me in (after I got a quick gyro from a vendor for only $3!) and I checked it out. Location's decent (right next to the F/V trains and only a little ways from the N/W trains). Maybe 10 blocks from the L train or I can take one of the closer trains up there. The apt itself is pretty big, relatively clean, though a little unusual for me... The shower is next to the kitchen sink... The bathroom is in the little bedroom alcove, which he doesn't use as a bedroom really (he sleeps in the "living room" section). Anyway, I thought it fit my needs and it was decently cheap and included all utilities so I decided to go for it. Traded some stuff with him and already have a set of keys, though I don't move in until the 14th (Tuesday).
That took a little longer than I was expecting, but I was able to rush uptown to get to the Core Club Screening Room for the movie screening I was supposed to see (Humpday). Pretty swanky... Basically a bunch of stadium-seated couches in front of a nice screen with a pretty good sound system (though smaller than a typical theatre). They even gave free glasses of water, candy, and popcorn. Movie was pretty good; gave it a B+. Then I ran back down to the sublet, exchanged more paperwork, and headed back for the long journey back to James' apt.
Happy House Hunting!
u work fast! Sublet apt already found? Keep up the updates + add more pics :) (when u have time)
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